EORI number is an identification number needed for importing goods from countries outside EU. It’s required for customs purposes.
Are you running this type of activity? Read how and where to obtain an EORI number for your company. We explain the entire process step by step.

EORI number – what is it?
EORI is a number in the EU System for Registration and Identification of Economic Operators. It is used by entrepreneurs to contact customs authorities throughout the European Union.
The EORI number is unique in the European Union. Moreover an entrepreneur can have only one such number. Therefore, it also allows the identification of a given entrepreneur.
This number is obligatory only for entities that import goods from outside the EU. A private person who imports things only for private purposes is not obliged to have it.
What does an EORI number look like?
EORI number is a sequence of characters that:
- in the case of domestic entities consists of the letters “PL”, NIP number and five zeros (a string of up to 17 characters),
- for third country entities, consists of the letters ‘PL’ and a sequence of 14 figures with the character ‘Z’ at the end.
In the case of the Polish EORI number, it is as follows: PL(company’s NIP number)00000.
Knowing the company’s NIP [tax identification number], we can easily verify whether it has an active EORI number. You can verify it on the website of the European Commission. Go to the tab Databases -> EORI -> Validation of EORI number.

EORI number for the company – where to start?
The EORI registration process in Poland takes place in the Electronic Registration System of Entrepreneurs. The EORI number is assigned by the Tax Administration Chamber in Poznań. It’s a great asset and simplification that you can complete the process online.
It requires submitting the appropriate application electronically via the PUESC system. The abbreviation stands for the Polish name of the institution: Platforma Usług Elektronicznych Skarbowo-Celnych. It translates into Tax and Customs Electronic Services Portal.
The first step to get this number is to create an account on the PUESC platform. The account is also necessary to conduct electronic communication within the SISC system. SISC is a Polish abbreviation for the Customs Service Information System. It provides its services through PUESC.
The SISC assigns each legal or natural person a unique identification number. It is known as SISC ID. It provides an advanced level of access to the PUESC account.
How to obtain a SISC ID?
To obtain a SISC ID, you need to make the following steps:
- After logging in, select the Services menu > Forms > the WRR0001 Registration of personal data form.
- In the e-form, complete the active fields. Provide following data: address, poviat and municipality consistent with the place of residence. Provide also contact details: telephone number, e-mail address and other data required by the form.
- Then you should sign the application with the qualified signature or a trusted profile.
- The next step is to confirm the submission of the application. You will receive a verification code to the previously indicated e-mail address. To complete the registration of the person’s data, you must log in to PUESC. Enter the verification code received by e-mail.
- Next, check whether you have received the official confirmation of your application’s receipt (Polish UPO). Go to the tab: My desktop > My cases and documents > Documents.
- Further proceed to – SISC ID in the tab ‘My Desktop’ > My Data.
- After registration on the PUESC account, you can already generate a customs certificate. Importantly, a natural person with a qualified signature or an e-PUAP trusted profile may omit this step.

How to obtain an EORI number?
The next step is to register the entity in the SISC. To do this, fill in all active fields in the application WRP0001 Registration of company’s data.
It will be necessary to provide, e.g. the type of entity and the scope of its activity. PKD code of the main activity will be also required. It represents Polish Classification of Activity. Additionally you will need to provide the company’s registered office and correspondence address.
You should also mark the field of customs are of operations in your application. Remember to mark the ‘EORI’ field – these are the key areas to obtain the number.
After completing the application, you can sign it with a qualified signature, Trusted Profile or customs certificate. Then, send your form to SISC.
EORI number – how much does it cost?
The number is assigned free of charge. The only exception is when this number is requested on behalf of the entrepreneur by his representative. It is then necessary to pay administrative fee for the power of attorney in the amount of 17 PLN.
How long does it take to assign an EORI number?
The procedure for applying for an EORI is relatively fast. The number is assigned in just a few days. Then it is sent electronically to the user’s account in the PUESC system. You can generate the official document directly from the system.
However, the time needed to process the application may be extended if there are any formal deficiencies in the submitted documents. In such a situation, the EORI number will only be assigned temporarily.
The issuing authority will request the applicant to correct the deficiencies or errors within 30 days. In response to the request, the entrepreneur should submit an updated application to the same authority and complete the required documents. Otherwise, the EORI number will be deactivated.
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