What is VAT Compliance service?

What is VAT Compliance service?
Marek Cieślak

Marek Cieślak

CEO CGO Finance

VAT Compliance is a comprehensive service designed for entrepreneurs who want to expand their business to foreign markets. Thanks to it, they receive support in the settlement of goods and services tax, as well as in the implementation of obligations related to VAT settlement. See what you can count on as a part of VAT Compliance and how this service will help you run your business.

Table of Contents

What is VAT Compliance service?

It is a comprehensive service offered by specialized advisory firms to entrepreneurs who want to make intra-community transactions. It involves the implementation of VAT tax regulations in the company. This is a solution that allows entrepreneurs to adapt them to their own needs. By choosing this form of cooperation, entrepreneur incurs only the costs generated by the external service provider (advisor). They depend on the number of documents delivered. The actual time spent on their preparation is also relevant. International VAT Compliance is a solution popular among taxpayers registered abroad only for VAT purposes.

VAT Compliance service – what does it entail?

The support of experts specialized in international VAT Compliance, allows entrepreneurs to fulfil their obligations without errors and unnecessary delays. Entrusting tax matters to people with relevant knowledge and experience provides a sense of security. International VAT Compliance is mainly for entrepreneurs looking for new development opportunities. Especially in foreign markets.

International VAT Compliance includes:

  • professional support during the registration process for VAT/VAT-UE purposes,
  • keeping VAT registers,
  • preparation and submission of tax returns and summary information to the tax office,
  • sales data analysis,
  • support in obtaining VAT returns,
  • support during verification procedures, audits, and tax proceedings

Do you want to transport goods within the EU? It is important to know what the so-called chain transactions are. Especially in the context of VAT. You will learn everything on this subject from this article.

What can an entrepreneur expect from VAT Compliance service?

As indicated above, international VAT Compliance is a comprehensive service. It provides support to entrepreneurs at every stage of their business activity. In addition to the assistance provided by experts in VAT registration, reporting, and return, clients can also receive help in representing themselves before tax authorities. Thus, you don’t have to deal with filing declarations or inquiries about tax interpretations on your own. In the case of foreign sales, you must respect laws that apply in the country where the sale took place. Thanks to the support of experts, entrepreneurs do not have to analyze these tax laws on their own.

Support in international VAT Compliance is particularly important for entrepreneurs who:

  • Intend to open warehouses in foreign countries
  • Sell goods through the Internet to individuals and other entities in other countries
  • Send goods directly to private individuals
  • Send machines to different countries (with installation services)
  • Sell entry tickets to conferences
  • Provide real estate services

Are you planning to expand your business to foreign markets?

You will need support in the area of business and tax law. It is best to entrust legal regulations to specialists who will ensure that your business develops in compliance with the law of a given country. Thanks to that you can focus on planning your further development strategy. We invite you to contact our experts.

What are the benefits of outsourcing VAT settlements?

Both the economic reality and tax law are becoming increasingly complex. Specific areas of running a business require professional support. The matter becomes even more complicated when a given company carries out activities subject to VAT in another country. Internal accounting may not be able to correctly register and report VAT abroad, due to differences in tax law and language barriers. There may also be problems with ongoing contact with foreign tax authorities.

The main advantages of outsourcing such service include:

  1. Saving money by not having to adapt financial and accounting software. It also minimizes the costs of training employees in foreign tax law
  2. Professionalism guaranteed by knowledge of experienced tax law experts specialized in the law of a given country
  3. Efficiency due to the possibility of focusing on the main business operations and improvement of the VAT reporting process
  4. Security ensured by the support of qualified tax advisors and safe data transmission


Incorrect VAT reporting can be a serious problem. Especially for entrepreneurs conducting international transactions. They can result in additional costs and legal consequences. Not only for the business but also for employees responsible for tax matters. International VAT Compliance is an increasingly popular way to reduce tax risk and find help with VAT settlements.

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Featured expert

Marek Cieślak

CEO CGO Finance